Today, amidst a competitive business environment, more data is collected than ever before, and the number of variables that an organization can monitor has grown dramatically.
In response to this, progressive management in any growing business concern requires to attach priority to a neat and timely flow of information. This calls for an informational interface among all users that is characterized by faster information processing, systematic storage and instant retrieval.
Sebira & Company have proficiency in planning, design and implementation of both manual and computerized business information systems to satisfy our client needs. This service may be provided along the following lines.
(a) Designing integrated information systems that conform with an organizations particular needs so that all functional areas are linked to one another by relational information interfaces.
(b) Review of existing information systems with the objective of determining system weaknesses and subsequently making corrective recommendations.
(c) Translation of manual information systems into computerized information systems.
(d) Organizing and providing support to such information systems designed by our consultants